Meet our student, Ahmed! He is a Yemeni who was born and lived in Saudi Arabia. Right after he arrived in the U.S., he started to learn at MLC as a full time student. He has a strong interest in computer science and would like to pursue his career in the field.
Ahmed showed a very friendly smile as he came to the Student Spotlight Interview. “It’s a long story why I came to this country, so I need to make it short,” he giggled. “After finishing my high school, I enrolled in a college in Romania to learn computer science. However, the teachers gave lectures with a mixture of English and Romanian which was so hard to understand, and I thought I would really need to learn this field only in English!”
Now Ahmed is aiming for a computer science program at a community college in Michigan, and would like to transfer to a university after. How is he so interested in the field of computer science? “I love games, and when I started to ask myself about how games are created, I needed to think about programming too. As more and more questions arise, I figured out that I will need to nail down more about IT stuff,” he explained.
Ahmed is a highly motivated student, and he also enjoys interacting with many other students and teachers at MLC. “I was very impressed by the MLC instructors and staff,” he said. “They remember my favorite things to do and talk to me about the topic, although they have many students here!” He says he loves the very friendly and family environment at MLC.
With his friendliness, he seems to have no difficulty making new friends and enjoying new life in Ann Arbor. “I love this city. This area has very lively and nice vibes!” he said. Ahmed got married before he came to the U.S., and currently lives in downtown Ann Arbor with his wife. They enjoy walking in the town, and visiting the museums too. “I’d love to visit the Hands-On Museum next time.”
We can’t wait to see you creating a new game in the future, Ahmed!