After finishing high school in Germany, Benedikt came to the US and enrolled in MLC in order to improve his English skills. “I chose to live in Michigan because my sister is an exchange student here, and my family has a lot of friends around the area,” he said.
Benedikt has studied as a full time student at MLC since February. “I will need to use English at college. I can handle the language to a certain degree, but I wanted to enhance the structure and step out of just ‘School English’.”
He describes the days at MLC as an “important experience.” “I can communicate with people here and improve my vocabulary. Now I feel comfortable speaking and I can trust my skills in English.”
Benedikt has been a very independent, responsible student who studies full time while taking care of daily tasks like cooking and giving his sisters rides daily. “I also need to prepare for my TOEFL test, so it’s been very busy,” he said. Despite his tight daily schedule, he also enjoys his life in the US as well. “It’s my first time living in the US, but I actually don’t find it very hard. People are nice and friendly here, and I have many good friends as well.”
He is going back to Germany at the end of June, and will pursue his study at a college where the classes will be taught in English. “I will major in Business Administration with a specialization in Banking and Finance.”
After such a positive experience adapting to life in the US, Benedikt hopes to return in the near future. He says, “Yes, of course. I would like to come back to the US again and travel around!”